Saturday, April 12, 2008

How many Priests does it take to...

...heal a raid? If you've got a 10-man venturing into Karazhan I would say at least one priest is definitely needed just for the shackles. Life becomes much easier as the entire instance is crawling with undead. Zul'Aman is another 10-man instance but its not entirely necessary to include a priest. I personally would take one anyway for the Circle of Healing (Holy Priest spec) and Prayer of Mending spells help enormously on most of the boss battles that introduce massive AoE damage. Moving into 25-man raid territory I believe a successful raid needs roughly 7-8 healers, depends on where you're going and if the instance is on farm status or not. Of those healer types at least 2-3 should be Priests, rest a mix of Druids, Shaman, and Paladins. Fortitude and Spirit (post 2.4) are awesome buffs and should not be discounted. Likewise, while the three mentioned healing classes have great healing weapons at their disposal, none can match the Priest in versatility or range of spells.

1 comment:

Gerbil said...

My experience as a non-priest healer (resto drood) has been that priest healers are decent but unspectacular in general (of course an awesome player will be awesome, etc.), but incredibly awesome in specific encounters.

I can't think of any specific encounters they are compulsory for in Kara (barring Moroes, and there it's the shackle that's vital not the heals), but there are multiple encounters in ZA which i could not imagine doing successfully without at least 1 priest healer.

I don't have huge experience with 25 man raids, but what i've seen in Tempest Keep leads me to think that priests are wonderful on the trash there.